Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958 Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!
Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958    Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!

The Virginia Church Library Association (VCLA) is an independent and self-sustained organization for workers in church library ministry.  Its purpose is to encourage and assist churches in the Commonwealth of Virginia and beyond to develop church libraries and to provide training opportunities for interested and committed workers.  These training conferences also allow workers to network and support one another.


To assist with establishing new church libraries, VCLA will connect new workers with an experienced member in their area to help mentor and support their new work.  There is a “New Start Kit” to help with the initial stages of development and to point new workers to available resources. Contact the Development Director for your “New Start Kit.” You can leave a comment with your contact information and someone will contact you or ask someone at one of the conferences.


We hope that these efforts prove helpful.  Consider attending the two statewide training conferences offered each year in the spring (March, April, or May) and fall (September, October, & November) by VCLA or other local meetings.  VCLA membership information is available under the "Membership" tab above.


VCLA welcomes attendance at events and active participation of all persons of any denomination interested in Christian ministry through a church library ministry.



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© VA Church Library Association