Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958 Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!
Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958    Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!

Sample Library Budget Request

Library Budget request:

It is the ministry objective of our library to support the mission of the church, to provide Bible study materials and other inspirational materials that will help people grow in their Christian faith, and to provide materials that will help our members and others with life issues.


The approximate current costs of materials are: $18.00 for a book, $12.00 for a paperback, $15 for a DVD, $7.00 for a CD, $20.00 for an audiotape set, and $100 for a teaching kit.


For the coming year, we request the following:



Other media


Teaching kits







Request submitted by _____________________


Date _______________


Position _________________________

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© VA Church Library Association