Christian theology 230
Christianity and other religions 261.2
Church and social problems 261.8
Church history 270 [Christian]
Church renewal 262
Church work with the elderly 259.3 [Do not include religious education (268) or
Church work with children 259.22 missions (266) here.]
Church work with youth 259.2
Cooking 641.5
Creation 231.765
Cults 209
Death 128, 236.1, 306.9
Devotional literature 242
Devotional literature 242.2 [for daily readings]
Divorce 306.89 [For discussion of moral issue, use 241.63.]
Drug abuse 362.29 [Social problems] [Use 613.8 for promotion of health.] 616.86
Easter 263.93, 394.26
Elderly 155.67, 305.26 [For guide to Christian life for elderly use 248.85.]
Eschatology 236 [end times]
Evangelistic work 269.2 [general] [Class individual witnessing in 248.51
Faith 234.2
Family life 306.85 [For marriage and family use 306.8.]
Foreign missions 266.023 [For medical missions use 266.025.]
Friendship 177
Frontier and pioneer life 978
God 231
Grandparents 306.874
Grief 155.9, 248.86 [guide to Christian life]
Heaven 236.24
Holy Spirit 231.3
Home missions 266.022
Home schooling 371.042
Hymns 782.27
Islam 297
Jesus Christ 232 [Read notes in classification book.]
Juvenile delinquency 364.3
Love 241.4 [Christian] or 152.4
Marriage 306.81 [For marriage and family, use 306.8.]
Meditations 242 [For daily meditations, use 242.2.]
Men—Religious life 248.842
Miracles 231.73 [For miracles of Jesus use 232.955.]
Missionaries 266.092
Parables 226.8 [For parables of Jesus use 232.954.]
Parenting 649
Persecution 272 [in Christian church history]
Personal finance 332.024