Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958 Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!
Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958    Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!

Often Used Subject Headings and Classification Numbers page 3

Prayer 248.3 [for materials about prayer] [For public prayer, see 264.1]
Prayers 242 [texts of prayers] [For public prayers, use 264.13.]
Public worship 264 [and following]
Sacraments 265 [in public worship]
Salvation 234
Satan 235.47
Sermons 252 [Class single sermons with subject of sermon.]
Sex education 613.9
Sexual behavior 306.73
Sexual ethics 241.66
Single men 305.38
Single people    155.6, 305.9
Single women 305.48
Southern Baptist Convention 286.132
Stewardship 248.6
Sunday School 268
Ten Commandments 222.16
Witnessing 248.5
Women—Religious life 248.843
Women's Missionary Union 266.06
Worship 248.3 [personal] [Class public worship in 264.]

Some suggested subject headings for CHRISTIAN FICTION materials:
Adventure fiction F
Bible fiction F
Biographical fiction F
Fantasy fiction F
Great Britain—History—Fiction F
Historical fiction F
Horror fiction F
Love stories F
Mystery fiction F
Romantic suspense fiction F
Science fiction F
Sea stories
Short stories SC [for story collections]
United States—History-1861-1865, Civil War—Fiction F
War stories
Western stories F
World War, 1939-1945—Fiction

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