Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958 Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!
Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958    Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!

Often Used Subject Headings and Classification Numbers page 1

(Check these headings and numbers with the headings and numbers that are already being used in your library. You may have to use different ones to meet your specific needs.)

Abortion 618.8, 363.4 [For Christian ethics use 241.69]
Angels 235.3
Adventure and adventurers 910.4
AIDS 616.97
Alcoholism 362.29, 616.86
Anger 152.4, 241.3
Apocrypha (Bible) 229
Apologetics 239
Apostles 225.92 [for New Testament biography - except -- class Jesus Christ, Mary,
Baptism 234, 265.1    Joseph, and John the Baptist in 232]
Baptist Men on Mission 267.2
Baptists 286
Baptists-History 286.09
Baptists-Doctrine 230.6
Bereavement 155.9, 248.86
Bible 220.52 [for modern versions and translations in English, i.e., KJV, DIV]
Bible-Animals 220.8
Bible-Atlases 912
Bible-Commentaries 220.7 [for entire Bible] [Class 0.T. commentaries in 221.7,
and N.T. commentaries in 225.7. Class
Bible-Concordances 220.3    commentaries on specific books with the book.]
Bible-Dictionaries 220.3
Bible-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 220.02
Bible-Social life and customs 220.91
Bible. New Testament 225.52
Bible. N. T.-Commentaries 225.7
Bible. N. T. Matthew 226.2 [N. T. books are in 226-228.]
Bible. Old Testament 221.52
Bible. 0. T.-Commentaries 221.7
Bible. 0. T. Genesis 222.11 [0. T. books are in 222-224.]
Bible stories 220.95 [for stories from both 0. T. and N. T.]
Bible stories 221.95 [for stories from 0. T.]
Bible stories 225.95 [for stories from N. T.]
Child rearing 649
Children's sermons 252.53
Christian education 268.432 [of children]
Christian life 248.4
Christian missionaries 266.092
Christian symbolism 246, 704.9

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