Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958 Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!
Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958    Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!

More Promotion Ideas

The following are some specific ideas that may help. Remember that building up library usage is often a long, slow process. These ideas are in no particular order, except that you might want to do the first one first if it hasn't been done for a long time.

1. At least once a year, put an insert in the church bulletin that gives general information about the              library, such as: the hours it is open, the kinds of materials you have, check-out policies, your                  purpose or mission statement, a line drawing giving the location of the library, who your workers are,      etc. [Make sure these inserts go into each "new member's packet" and leave some extras at each          church entrance.]

2. Buy a few new books and videos that you feel sure will be of interest to some members of the                congregation. Then print an attractive bookmark on stiff paper that tells about the new materials              and invites people to come to the library and check them out. Put a bookmark in each bulletin one          Sunday.

3. Get materials of current interest or ones on topics that groups in the church are discussing right now      or in the near future. Make a display of these materials in a very noticeable place. Put a basket              there, and people can check out a material by signing the card and putting it in the basket.

    Example: materials about Israel and/or Islam.

4. Work with teachers and leaders, and put displays in classes and meetings and let people check out        materials from there.

5. Have the library open when there are dinners or meetings in the fellowship hail. Hook up a TV just          outside the library door and play an interesting video while people are gathering for a meeting, or a        quiet musical video during a dinner.

6. Make questions using some of your library materials and put the questions on walls all around the          church. Under each question put: "Find the answer in the library."

7. Keep treats in the library for children who check out books.

S. Get a "library" space on a prominent bulletin board for a place to announce new materials or other           important library news.

9. If your church uses powerpoint, put a short notice on it about new materials.

10. Have Sunday School teachers bring their classes to the library for a "get acquainted visit".


11. Do a devotional at a meeting using library materials, and tell the audience which materials you                used.

12. If there is a church web page, put a library section on it, and give general information about the              library, and make announcements about new materials.

13. Take a basket of books and videos to a Sunday School class and give a book talk. Let children sign        out materials there. [Make sure you have family information for each child — parents' name,                    address, phone, etc.]

14. Display pictures of church people and events in the library.

15. Ask individuals to read a book or watch a video, and write a very short review of it. Use these                  reviews in a church newsletter.

16. Invite a group of potential users into the library to do a specific job, and then give them                            refreshments.


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