Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958 Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!
Virginia Church Library Association Celebrating 66 years Established November 12, 1958    Serving Together to Promote Church Library Ministry in the Commonwealth of Virginia and Beyond!

Suggested Media for a Basic Collection in a Small Church Library (continued)

All the Women of the Bible, Edith Dean
Great Lives Series, Charles Swindoll
The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom (book and DVD)
Just As I Am, Billy Graham
Martin Luther (DVD)
Mother Teresa
Run, Baby, Run (book and DVD) (about Nicky Cruz)

Angels, Billy Graham
Born Again, Charles Colson
Death and the Life After, Billy Graham
The Grand Weaver, by Ravi Zacharias
The Holy Spirit, Billy Graham
Knowing God, J. I. Packer
The Joyful Christian, C. S. Lewis
Symbols of the Christian Faith, Steiner (Eerdmans)
What's so Amazing About Grace? Philip Yancey
When God Doesn't Make Sense, James Dobson
The Will of God, Leslie Weatherhead

Books by Barbara Johnson
Books by Chuck Swindoll
Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby
Facing Your Giants, and Others, Max Lucado
Faith Lessons series (DVDs)
The Greatest Thing in the World, Henry Drummond [I Cor. 131
If That Isn't Love, George Beverly Shea (Music CD)
If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat, John Ortberg
The Purpose-Driven Life, Rick Warren
When You've Been Wronged, Erwin Lutzer
Books by Elisabeth Elliot, Elizabeth George, David Jeremiah, Joyce Meyer,
Beth Moore, Charles Stanley, Lee Strobel, Philip Yancey


Materials about Islam
Handbook of Today's Religions, Josh McDowell

What Baptist's Believe, Herschel Hobbs

Devotionals by Billy Graham
The Love Dare, Stephen Kendrick
My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers
Night Light: A Devotional for Couples, James and Shirley Dobson
The One-Year Book of Josh McDowell's Youth Devotions, Josh McDowell

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