VCLA Revised Membership Form
below to download the revised membership form for the Virginia Church Library Association (VCLA). Please note where the membership and dues are
mailed to.
fees are **$25 per individual annual membership fee (fee increased to $25 on
January 1, 2025) or **$100 per church library staff annual membership
fee. Memberships are valid from Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 each calendar year. For each new member joining after Sept. 1 of the
current calendar year, those memberships will be valid until the following Dec. 31. Remittance is encouraged early each
calendar year to support the work of the organization to promote church library ministry and to train workers in this ministry.
**Annual dues are for an individual or individuals living at the same mailing address, i.e., spouses, siblings, parents & children, etc., and working in the same church library.
One newsletter will be sent per address.
**Maximum required dues per church are $100 each year. Each library staff member must complete a membership form which must be included with the payment of dues. If individual personal checks (rather than a church check) are sent, they must be in the same envelope.
***We realize that VCLA is not at the top of your priority list. If you were to have a health issue we would like to know. Since our membership is getting older, we would like to know who to contact if we can’t get in touch with you just to make sure you are okay.
Membership fees must be paid by March 15, 2025, in order to be included in the annual VCLA. Membership Directory given out at the Spring
Membership includes voting privileges at our
business meetings, eligibility to serve on committees and in leadership positions, discount on conference fees, access to the member's section of our
website, your name will be included in both our printed and online member's directory, monthly newsletters,
special informational emails and mailings plus our Spring and Fall newsletters.
If you have a question about your membership status, please contact Lee Smith, VCLA Director, at either or (804) 306-3862.
Thank you for supporting both Virginia Church Library Association
and Church Library Ministry!