Contact a VCLA Executive Committee member, information is listed on the links on the left or your association office to connect with local church library workers.
* Encourage your church to establish a church library by electing a director and staff and by including this ministry in the church budget
* Encourage your church library staff to attend training conferences
* Join VCLA by paying for either an individual annual membership for $25 ** or join as a church library for $100 **
**Annual dues are for an individual or individuals living at the same mailing address, i.e., spouses, siblings, parents & children, etc., and working in the same church library. One newsletter will be sent per address.
**Maximum required dues per church = $100 each year. Each library staff member must complete a membership form which must be included with the payment of dues. If individual personal checks (rather than a church check) are sent, they must be in the same envelope.
* Volunteer to work in the VCLA organization or to mentor others in your area